One of the great paradoxes of managing our unique symptoms of ADHD is that we do best with structure and organization, two things we are often challenged to establish. Argh!
I’m going to write this blog regarding systems and structure options that might benefit those of you who struggle with food. To clarify, I am addressing those of you who find yourself suffering from chronic disordered eating (that is, eating when you are not hungry, failing to eat when you are hungry, depriving yourself of food groups your body needs to function properly, and so on) and those of you who fit the criteria for a full-blown eating disorder such as Binge Eating Disorder or Bulimia. ( If you are interested in a scientific study on the topic, check out this article:
We know that people with ADHD have a dopamine deficit and often seek stimulation - a dopamine boost. One way to get a quick boost is with food. According to the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, food increases dopamine levels by 50%. Compared to other drugs shown on their graph, the boost from food is minimal. Nevertheless, it is a readily available, socially accepted way to get quick fix! Take a look at this compelling graphic:

Food is a socially acceptable choice. We celebrate with food at virtually every special occasion and make innocuous jokes about gaining weight around the holidays. Some people refer to themselves as “food addicts” with tongue-in-cheek. This is all normal stuff. But when our relationship with food becomes problematic, whether our food-related behaviours and attitudes fit the criteria for a diagnosed disorder or not, we may be ready to get help.
Those of us with ADHD struggle with impulsivity and executive functioning far more than those who do not have ADHD. Planning and preparing food for the day can be a real challenge and so can pausing before impulsively grabbing foods that are intensely flavoured and give us a quick, powerful wallop of YUM, THAT TASTES LIKE MORE!
If you are sick and tired of struggling with managing your food intake as a person living with ADHD, know that you may greatly benefit from exploring 12-Step support groups that provide varying levels of structure for compulsive eaters. These groups are free, but many have paid a high price for admission after years of suffering from the effects of disordered eating.
Overeaters Anonymous is open to anyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. You will find many meeting options online, by telephone, and in person:
For those seeking well-defined structure and support, check out Overeaters Anonymous H.O.W. at These particular meetings are typically attractive to people who have tried everything else including, for example, weight loss drugs, surgeries, and many other methods to control their food intake only to find themselves back in the throes of their eating disorder. Some members come in because they want the structure the program offers. Many members have ADHD.
There are many other food-related 12-Step programs you may wish to explore (e.g., Food Addicts Anonymous). There are also endless pay-and-weigh commercial programs.
All of these programs work when they are worked. Problems tend to resurface when people stop following the structure and ongoing support.
Remember that those of us with ADHD do best with daily structure and positive connection. I encourage you to explore your options and when you find something that works for you, KEEP DOING IT! 😊
How we eat impacts our brain functioning, our energy levels, our self-esteem and just about every aspect of our lives. So take time and care to find a system of eating that works for you. You are worth it, and you are not alone. You may greatly benefit from ongoing support from others who understand and who have found a common solution.
If you have found a program that works for you, please add it in the comment section or send me a note privately. I'd love to hear from you.
Tara Hope is a Registered Clinical Counsellor licensed with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors specializing in ADHD. She is also available nationally and internationally as a Therapeutic ADHD Emotion Regulation Coach for Adults and Parents and as a Certified Master Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) Practitioner - a technique that works very well for emotion regulation.