Registered Clinical Counsellor
Therapeutic ADHD Coach
Master EFT (tapping) Practitioner

I work with adult clients (individuals, couples, parents) who want help with this neurodivergence, whether they (or their loved one) have a formal diagnosis or not. I offer a variety of therapeutic modalities with a strength, acceptance, and mindfulness based perspective. This work is collaborative, individualized, and aimed at creating positive change and personal empowerment. ADHD is not something to be "cured", it is a neurotype that brings great strengths and challenges. I help clients set up systems to address the challenging bits and release any shame and grief that may hinder their progress.

Substance Use (Mild-Moderate)
If you are struggling to moderate or stop using a substance or engaging in a troubling behaviour (e.g., binge eating, compulsive eating, marijuana, alcohol, nicotine, excessive online activity, infidelity, hyper sexuality, and so on), I offer talk and behaviour therapy and an individualized, collaborative plan customized for you. Increasing your awareness, acceptance, and capacity to engage in ongoing positive action-steps to help you meet your goal is often part of this work. Together, we get the monkey off your back and strive to prevent others from hopping on.

Emotions. Anxiety. Grief.
People tend to seek help for emotions when they begin to interfere with their ability to manage some aspect of their lives (e.g., go to work or school, drive, leave the house, manage relationships). Anxiety can be so intense, it causes panic attacks. Intense anger can derail relationships and erode self-esteem. Grief and sadness can weigh very heavily on us and make us feel like we're walking through mud. When people feel stuck, I use different techniques to help release the emotion(s), including Emotional Freedom Techniques which I describe in greater detail

Exceptionalities. Comorbidities.
Addiction *mild-moderate*
Anxiety Disorders
Adult Issues
Bipolar Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Binge Eating
Behaviour Issues
Compulsive Eating
Dopamine Deficit
Mood Disorders

Energy. Moods. Feelings.
Emotion Regulation
Fear and Enabling
Frustration and Executive Functioning
Depression/Grief/Sadness/Low Energy
Impulsive Energy & Behaviour with:
Food Impulsivity
Gaming Impulsivity
Gambling Impulsivity
Grief & Loss
Guilt or Shame
High Sensitivity

Relationships. Family. Couples.
Hyperactive Brain
Hyper Sexuality
Organization - Differences in how to and how much
Parenting & ADHD
Parenting & Mood Disorders
Parenting & Grief
Parenting & BPD
Pornography Use
Life Transitions